(972) 688-0068 name@corporate.ooo

Magic at work.

Corporate Unicorns is an playful PFP collection residing on the Solana blockchain. Our aim is to capture the artistic essence within NFTs, while also embarking on a journey alongside the Solana community.



Each Unicorn will be available to use in Augmented Reality, so you can take them anywhere you would like.



Get your Unicorn, and you’ll be able seamlessly animate yours using a library containing 1000’s of free animations. 


Morbi auctor feugiat maximus. Ut condimentum, mi ut efficitur molestie, nibh metus venenatis sapien.

Minting soon on Solona

Follow us on X to get more info on the free mint. Our goal is to build a community for creators on the Solona Blockchain. We want to push the boundries of what other NFT projects are doing to include AR, Animation, and other cutting edge features right out of the gate.

What else ya got?

We have lots of ideas on what could be next for this project, but would also like to collaborate with others that are excited about building something fun. If you think you have something you could contribute, feel free to reach out and let’s connect. No part is too small, as long as you’re looking to build something big.

Unicorn Traits


Morbi auctor feugiat maximus. Ut condimentum, mi ut efficitur molestie, nibh metus venenatis sapien.


Morbi auctor feugiat maximus. Ut condimentum, mi ut efficitur molestie, nibh metus venenatis sapien.


Morbi auctor feugiat maximus. Ut condimentum, mi ut efficitur molestie, nibh metus venenatis sapien.


Morbi auctor feugiat maximus. Ut condimentum, mi ut efficitur molestie, nibh metus venenatis sapien.


Morbi auctor feugiat maximus. Ut condimentum, mi ut efficitur molestie, nibh metus venenatis sapien.


Morbi auctor feugiat maximus. Ut condimentum, mi ut efficitur molestie, nibh metus venenatis sapien.


Morbi auctor feugiat maximus. Ut condimentum, mi ut efficitur molestie, nibh metus venenatis sapien.


Morbi auctor feugiat maximus. Ut condimentum, mi ut efficitur molestie, nibh metus venenatis sapien.

How much to mint?

This will be a free mint on the Solana blockchain. While we will not charge anything, there will be minimal Solana transaction fees fees that go to the network.

How many can I mint?

We are allowing each wallet to mint upto 10 Unicorns. You can have a herd, and we’ll still have enough to go around.

Why do this for free?

I am looking to connect with other creatives looking to build out great experiences on the Solana Blockchain as well as the greater NFT community as well.

Where is the roadmap?

We have some ideas, but we also want to really collaborate with the community to see what people want. Things on the table: Merch, Unicorn Racing with other NFT holders, Breeding, etc. What do you think would be a cool addition?

When is the launch?

Follow us on X for updates. We want to be sure we have enough interest when we go live, so in the meantime, let’s connect on X.


What Our Families are Saying

Aenean finibus fermentum purus et tristique. Donec at molestie tellus. Donec dignissim eleifend libero sed blandit massa mattis non. In tincidunt, ex vitae laoreet pretium.
Donec sollicitudin molestie malesuada. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula. Curabitur aliquet.